
After the season is before the season! Here is more information aorund the preparation for FIRST LEGO League Challenge

Tips and Resources

Here we have collected a few resources that are useful to prepare your team for your participation in the season. Do you know of any other sites or material? If you have any other ideas about what we should include here, please get in touch with Niklas.

Virtual Preparation

Collaborative remote coding

In this second unusual season due to COVID-19, we would like to support you with tips on how to hold your team meetings virtually.

A tutorial on how to use Chrome as a remote desktop, for example to code together with several people, can be found here.

Depending on the video conferencing you are using, you might also be able to code collaboratively by using the included features to share content and give control.

Important: Before using the programs, please check if they comply with the data protection laws in your country.

Here are a few suggestions for chat tools:

With the following tools you can manage your communication and your tasks as a team:

Testing programmes on a simulated playing field

The Singapur-based robotics coaches of A Posteriori have developed the GearsBot, a 3D robotics simulator. For each new FIRST LEGO League Challenge season, they offer a simulation of the robotics game field where you can try out your code in Scratch or Python. This way you can continue to work on your programmes even if the playing field is not accessible for you at school or at another location (e.g. due to quarantine or holidays).

To tinker on the virtual playing field, call up the GearsBot, select "Select World" in the menu under "Worlds" >, "Missions (FLL, WRO, etc)" in the upper drop-down menu and "2021 FLL (Cargo Connect)" in the lower drop-down menu. After that you can either import scratch blocks or Python code and run the programme in the simulator.



Referee video and workshops

Video for referees

There is many aspects to consider regarding the Robot Game. That is why we make a video for referees (in German) each season of FIRST LEGO League Challenge, in which we explain each mission. The video is not just helpful for referees though, but also for your team, because this way you know how you will be evaluated on the tournament day.

The recoring of the referee training for the new season will be available here starting October 2021.

Workshop with the NanoGiants

The NanoGiants, whose members were and are actively involved themselves, have various offers for teams, coaches and organisers of FIRST LEGO League Challenge tournaments: there are trial courses, programming training, consultations and Jumpstart Workshops for new coaches. Have a look on their website, you will also find the "12 Golden Rules for Coaches" and some building instructions for robots from the LEGO MINDSTORMS Education Basic Set!

Prepare yourself with a challenge set of a past season

At the support association HANDS on e.V. you can order challenge sets of past seasons and test new techniques, solutions and programming!

Sharing with other teams

To learn from other teams and share your knowledge are some of the most interesting aspects of FIRST LEGO League Challenge. There are many different ways how you can support other teams with your experience and show your work during the season and the preparation:

If you tag us, we are happy to share your posts and videos in our social media channels!

Important: Please make sure that every person (or their legal guardian) that can be recognized on the pictures, agrees to the publication on social media.

Teammitglieder und SponsorInnen finden

Teammitglieder finden

Ein Challenge Team kann bis zu 10 Mitglieder haben und ihr braucht noch ExpertInnen in einem bestimmten Feld oder einer der Kategorien? Dann nutzt doch unsere Plakate, um in eurer Schule, Verein und überall auf das Projekt aufmerksam zu machen.

SponsorInnen finden

Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, wie ihr eurem Team von Anderen helfen lassen könnt. Wir von HANDS on TECHNOLOGY unterstützen Teams z.B. mit unserer Bring A Friend Aktion, alle Infos dazu finden ihr hier. Ihr könnt auch selbst aktiv werden: Vielleicht gibt es bei euch in der Umgebung Unternehmen, die euch mit MentorInnen, ExpertInnen für das Forschungsprojekt oder finanziell zur Seite stehen können? Um ihnen FIRST LEGO League Challenge zu zeigen und sie zu überzeugen, könnt ihr gern diesen Flyer nutzen. Auf Anfrage schicken wir ihn gern auch in gedruckter Form an euch.